What is Yoga?

NEW: Hove Yoga Shop now includes a range of Yogikuti premium rubber mats, wooden blocks, belts, blankets and Pune shorts all made and shipped from Pune, India.

Yoga dates back several thousand years originating in the Indian sub-continent and means to unite or to bind. Although the ultimate aim of yoga is a meditative state called Samadhi, in a yoga class students mainly study one of the eight parts of yoga called asana or postures.

The yoga postures promote good health in both body and mind. Although the body gains strength and flexibility through the practice of the postures, both the body and the mind are refreshed rather than left feeling exhausted.

There are many different postures, each one having a slightly different effect on the physical, physiological and the psychological aspects of our being.

As the student progresses, more philosophy and pranayama (breath control) are introduced.

The Yoga I practice and teach is called Iyengar Yoga and is named after B.K.S. Iyengar, widely regarded as the world's leading authority on yoga.

"Yoga is the cessation of the movements of conscsiousness" Sage Patanjali