
Andy Roughton is a certified Iyengar yoga teacher and dedicated practitioner of Iyengar yoga in Hove, Sussex, UK.

Andy has been teaching since October 2006 and started the Yoga For Men course running at the Brighton Natural Health Centre in 2007.

Yoga For Men

Yoga has fantastic benefits for men's health (mental, physiological as well as physical health) and is a great compliment to other sports practices to aid performance and reduce injury.

Day: Monday

Time: 19:00-20:30

Location: Brighton Natural Health Centre

Level: Continuers and Beginners

Click on the links below to book onto the next YFM courses:

These yoga classes are suitable for people in normal health and will consist mainly of standing, seated and relaxation postures.

Iyengar Yoga is progressive so that you learn to stretch and to increase your stamina in basic postures before you progress to the complicated poses.

It is precise so that you can learn to stretch more safely and gain mental discipline through increased physical understanding and control.

Yoga should be practised on an empty stomach so do not eat or drink at least two hours before the class.

These Public general classes are not suitable for certain medical conditions:

    • heart problems (including hypertension)
    • epilepsy (including petit-mal)
    • cancer or benign tumours
    • diabetes
    • menieres disease
    • detached retina
    • AIDS
    • multiple sclerosis
    • M.E.
    • recent post-operative conditions
    • pregnancy (classes with Sallie)

The conditions listed above, although not suitable for attending regular classes, may benefit from individual therapeutic programmes. Contact Andy for further information.